Registration and the call for abstracts for the 2025 Alternet Conference are now open! The conference will be held 13-16 May in Aveiro, and the theme is: Achieving Transformative Change for Biodiversity. The call for…
TARGETED CALL FOR EXPERTS (CfE 2/2024) on “Cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms expansions: consequences & solutions for achieving GES across European marine waters” A request put forward by the European…
Now open! 🌳 The call for session proposals for the 2025 Alternet Conference in Aveiro is open and accepting submissions through 22 November. Learn more and submit your proposal here.
A special call for financial support to third parties is open on the A-AAGORA website: The call is open until 31st May and will financially support two additional Associated…
We are looking for participants who are eager to share their experiences during the XIII European Mountain Convention’s parallel workshops on mountain economies! Our partners at CREAF are co-organizing the…
Eklipse invites scientists, policy makers, practitioners and other societal actors to share their knowledge in the initial scoping of this Eklipse request that seeks to understand the existing knowledge on…
The Eklipse Methods Expert Group plays a fundamental role in advising the Eklipse Expert Working Groups (EWGs) on the strengths and weaknesses of available knowledge synthesis and engagement methods. If…
We are pleased to announce that the Call for Associated Regions to participate in the Restore4Life project has just been launched. During the Call, we will be looking for at…
The A-AAGORA consortium is pleased to announce the launch of the 2nd Call for Associated Regions to participate in the A-AAGORA project. Having approved 3 projects in the first call,…