Call for Experts & Knowledge Holders – CO-OP4CBD Thematic Groups
The Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity project (CO-OP4CBD) aims to enhance coordination within the European Union (EU) in advancing the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by effectively harnessing the knowledge of biodiversity experts.
In line with this, the CO-OP4CBD project is seeking to identify thematic experts to engage in formative science-policy processes that will guide and inform knowledge for the CBD in EU member states and Associated Countries. This is a great opportunity to contribute towards work with direct policy impact.
We are looking for experts willing to contribute their own time to be trained in CBD processes and provide their expertise on CBD agenda items as part of thematic groups. This is the first call for experts (as part of this four-year project), after which we plan to have established thematic expert groups that contribute to science-policy interface in Europe.
The first formative workshops are planned to be held in September of this year.
Currently, we are looking for expertise in the following fields, in accordance with the topics announced for SBSTTA-25:
Biodiversity indicators and monitoring
Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Sustainable wildlife management
Invasive alien species
Biodiversity and climate change
Plant conservation
By being part of this expertise network, you will be able to learn more about the CBD process and how to contribute to the making of biodiversity policies, access tailored training to better contribute to the CBD based on your field of expertise, meet researchers in your field and get the latest updates about the CBD. You will be part of a network of experts working towards improving the science-policy interface and experts of similar research fields. Your expertise is highly valuable for achieving this goal.
Do you or someone in your network have the required knowledge and interest to contribute toward impactful policy processes for biodiversity? If so, please fill in the registration form and/or share this message with your contacts.
Need additional information? Please contact the Alternet team at: secretariat@alterneteurope.eu.